Enrichment is a fun and exciting opportunity to expose your child to something new and challenging! We are pleased to announce our SPRING 2024 line up of classes. All classes are held at school from 3:25-4:30pm.


Please pick up promptly at 4:30pm in the school lobby - no bus service





4 Weeks: 4/22, 4/29, 5/6, 5/13


Yard Games & Pickleball
Grades 1-5

Come stay after with Mr. Truchsess and learn some backyard games!  Students will play badminton/pickleball, kickball, corn hole and other fun recess and yard games.  Come join the fun!. This class is taught by Mr. Truchsess, PE Teacher at SES



Grades K-5

Students will learn three magic tricks per session from Tom O’Brien, a full-time professional magician whose credits include appearances on the Fox 61 Morning Show and WFSB’s Better Connecticut. 


Tom O’Brien is a master at his craft and an excellent and entertaining teacher.  All students will receive magic kits and a magic wand with the props necessary to perform them at home!  Please register soon before the spaces – alakazam – disappear!


Talent Show Junior Edition

Grades 2 & 3

Do you have a talent that you’d like to share? Do you dream of getting up on stage and performing? Here’s your BIG chance! Join the Talent Show club! Our first session will be planning the show. Sessions 2 and 3 will be building your performance with coaching from Mr. T and performing for each other. Our last session will be a run through of the show before we open the doors for an audience! Looking forward to seeing our talented Scotties in grades 2 & 3!



Grades 2-5

Chess is the fun game of thinking. It has been proven to develop memory, concentration, focus, logical thinking and problem solving. Classes will involve a combination of learning and supervised playing. The class will be divided into two sections: Intermediate and Beginners. Intermediate students will focus on “tactics” (captures and checks). Beginning students will learn the basics from starting each game to selecting a move.  Connecticut Kids Play Chess, Inc. (CKPCI), probably the largest scholastic chess teaching organization in the state, will run the program. The owner of CKPCI is Glenn Budzinski, who has had a lifelong involvement with chess as a teacher, Expert-rated player and certified tournament director. Many CKPCI students have gone on to become state champions.



Grades K-3

Spanish is FUN! Through a myriad of activities, students will learn greetings, talk about how they feel, describe the weather and learn other everyday vocabulary and expressions. The focus will be primarily on speaking.


Intro to SRMS

Grade 5

5th graders are invited to join the enrichment activity to help prepare them for 6th grade.  This activity will be led by Katie Lang who has been a resource teacher at SRMS for the past 6 years.  It will incorporate and teach skills such as opening a lock, following a schedule, organizing Google drive, creating a digital planner, constructing a proper email, note-taking strategies and more executive functioning skills necessary for middle school.



4 weeks: 4/24, 5/1, 5/8, 5/15


Talent Show Senior Edition

Grades 4 & 5

Do you have a talent that you’d like to share? Do you dream of getting up on stage and performing? Here’s your BIG chance! Join the Talent Show club! Our first session will be planning the show. Sessions 2 and 3 will be building your performance with coaching from Mr. T and performing for each other. Our last session will be a run through of the show before we open the doors for an audience! Students interested in lighting and sound will be trained to operate the equipment for the show. 

Looking forward to seeing our talented Scotties in grades 4 & 5!


NYC Street Art Class (class runs until 4:40)

Grades 3-5

This course will be taught by Mr. Thomas DiMarzo. Over 8-weeks students will learn the history of NYC street art.  The students will learn about legendary NYC street artists Jean Michel-Basquiat, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring and James de la Vega.  After learning about the brief history of NYC street art and the artists who made it famous, the students will embark on an art project in the style of each Legendary street artist.  


**Each student that signs up will be provided with a sketchbook, pencils, colored pencils, erasers, and Sharpies.  All your child needs to bring is an open and creative mind. Please note this class goes until 4:40



Grades K-5

This martial arts class is great for beginners and for those who have tried other martial arts styles. SDSS Martial Arts of Ridgefield has put together a fun, active 4-week course of classes that will introduce you to basic martial arts skills and encourage honesty, patience, respect, self control and self discipline in using those skills!


*Each student that signs up will be provided a white belt and will be invited to attend an additional martial arts class at our studio once a week over the 4 week session, at no additional cost. The studio is located in town at 15 Danbury road, in the same plaza with Mannen Restaurant and Bach to Rock.


Art with the Art Spot

Grades K-2

The Art Spot will bring Fine Art experiences to your young artists with a variety of mediums and

techniques...some sculpting, drawing, cartoon character creation, abstract watercolors with a

spin, and more!





When will we receive confirmation of enrollment?
Before enrichment begins, you will receive an email to confirm your child’s enrollment.

Enrichment classes are open to students in Grade K-5, but please note some classes do have
grade-level restrictions. No refunds will be available once classes begin.


How does my child get to Enrichment?
Your child will ONLY get sent to after school enrichment if you have selected “After School Enrichment (PTA sponsored)” within School Dismissal Manager. It is NOT an automatic special dismissal just because your child is enrolled in after school enrichment.


Your child will be dismissed to the After School Enrichment Instructor who will take them to the correct room for their Enrichment class by 3:25pm. Pick up is promptly at 4:30pm in the front lobby - there is no bus service. If you are more than 10 mins late for pick up, the PTA will need to charge a late fee of $10 to cover staff costs.


How do I set up Enrichment in School Dismissal Manager?
You will need to set up a “Recurring Dismissal” in the School Dismissal Manager app/website for EACH child participating in After School Enrichment. You’ll only need to do this once. The ending dates you’ll need to enter are below. If you have questions about School Dismissal Manager, Please contact the main office.


What happens if there is an early dismissal due to weather on an Enrichment day?

If SES is canceled or has an early closing on an Enrichment day, Enrichment courses will be canceled for the day and then made up in the future. You will receive an email from PTA with information about make-up dates.


What if my child is absent on an enrichment day? Is there a make-up class?

If your child is absent, they will, unfortunately, miss a day of enrichment. Make-up classes will only be offered at the end of the session if a class was canceled due to a school closure or early dismissal.


Can I send my child with a snack to have before class?

Yes, you can send a nut-free snack with your child to have before class. If there are allergies in the class, we will send out a notice.


Please feel free to email if you have any questions or concerns to scotlandelementarypta@gmail.com 



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